World Class Protection

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You're Protected Nationwide! Rhino Linings® is the consumer rated #1 spray-on truck bed liner brand. Our spray-on Rhino liner bed liner products are backed by our Nationwide Warranty Program. In addition to truck bed liners, Rhino Linings products are used as a protective coating for a variety of vehicle applications.

Call to make an appointment today (509) 489-0733


When you need protection without compromise, Rhino® military products are the answer. Rhino military protective coatings offer a variety of force protection products and are often used on fuel trucks, tanks, trailers, boats, AAAV, HMVs, Strykers and more.


Composite Armor™ coating is developed by Rhino Linings Corporation and its technology partners to deliver a narrower gauge, lighter armor that not only provides greater protection versus hardened steel armor, but also saves fuel.


This Hummer was sprayed with TuffGrip® lining to eliminate the continuous impact and abrasive damage that happens on its patrol treks. This vehicle trudges through arduous terrain and gets damaged by the elements. Because of TuffGrip lining’s excellent slip resistant properties, it is also sprayed directly on the floor boards.

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