World Class Protection

Contact Rhino

You're Protected Nationwide! Rhino Linings® is the consumer rated #1 spray-on truck bed liner brand. Our spray-on Rhino liner bed liner products are backed by our Nationwide Warranty Program. In addition to truck bed liners, Rhino Linings products are used as a protective coating for a variety of vehicle applications.

Call to make an appointment today (509) 489-0733

Emergency Vehicles

Emergency vehicles endure daily abuse, which is why city and state government fleet buyers count on Rhino Linings® products to protect police and SWAT vehicles, ambulances, fire engines and more. Rhino® protective coatings extend emergency vehicle life which saves on maintenance, repair cost and downtime.


Protecting those who protect us! Rhino Extreme™ coating was used to protect the bed liner from corrosion caused by moisture.


The compartments on this fire truck were sprayed for sound deadening and corrosion prevention


This fire truck was damaged due to everyday use. Damage combined with moisture leads to rust. Rhino Linings® coating was applied to the deck of this fire truck. The finished results are stunning and not to mention extremely practical.

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